In the following blog posts I’ll be featuring amazing stories of fabulous women over 40 who accepted the challenge to be seen and celebrated in portraits. Here they share their motivation to participate in the 40 over 40 project and send a strong message about why 40+ women should love, embrace and celebrate everything that makes them unique at this stage in their lives.

To be part of this amazing transformational experience visit the 40 OVER 40 PROJECT page in our website. Limited spots available. Don’t miss your chance to see yourself in a whole new light.

JONICA -48 & Fabulous

I am 48 years old. I have two beautiful teens who are turning out to be extraordinary human beings, and I am grateful for that. Professionally, I have been in the biotech industry for 20 years and I truly enjoy it. I am a Senior Thought Leader Liaison and the best part about the job is that I create relationships that potentially have positive outcomes for the people we serve. I spend quite a bit of time self-reflecting and I have become more aware of my emotions and universally I have recognized the importance of being the BEST friend to YOU.

Why did you want to participate in this project?

For so long, I have heard people tell me that age is just a number. I spend a lot of time thinking about that concept and not be a contrarian, but I disagree. To me, age is the hallmark of time and time is our most precious commodity. Age is marked by life's experiences. All of it. The joy and pain, the celebrations and losses, the victories and disappointments, all while one continues down the path to be better than they were the day before. I try and do this by thinking about who am I being? Was I effective in my communication with the person or people I am engaging with? Did I create what I wanted from the situation? Where can I improve? Am I being my authentic self? 

When I came across this project I knew I wanted to be a part of it. I loved Maya's approach to demonstrating the beauty of women as we age, truly recognizing it, both inside and out. I wanted this opportunity to motivate and inspire others to find your own passion and strength, to overcome fears for something you feel truly connected to, and to recognize your gifts.

What were you personally hoping to gain from this experience?

I knew I would get some beautiful photos from the experience, Maya is incredibly talented, but I didn't realize the empowerment I would feel from the session, especially after the fact. When I first saw the photo's and a couple of them were posted on social media, there was so much positive feedback. It felt amazing. I was mesmerized at how someone's vision could bring out in me a fierceness, softness, some beauty and even some discomfort. It was so enjoyable to be able to feel it all and share it

What are you feeling now about being photographed? 

Now that I've done this, and have experienced all of the feelings that go along with the session, the next thing is to have my daughter do this so she too can have the experience. She is about to graduate and I would love to be able to capture this stage of life for her in all that she is. My favorite part about the process was seeing different facets of me through someone else's eye and realizing that there is so much to ME.

What would you tell other women over 40 about doing something outside their comfort zone?
Most women 40 and beyond, I feel, have a great understanding of who they are being and who they would like to be. We have lived with decades of experience and that has shaped us. When I think about stepping out of my comfort zone, I reflect on the risk/benefit ratio and decide if the benefit will outweigh the risk. This has enabled me to be truly authentic in my decisions and has given me a guide for understanding if something is worth it or not. There are, however, many times where I feel compelled to do something, even if it is uncomfortable, because in my mind's eye I know it will be great. When I feel that, I take that opportunity, it is a gift that has made my life better.

If you had a super power what would it be?

Mind-reader all the way. I am about connection and I am in search of meaning and understanding. I am open to life's experiences and I think the connections we make along the way are the best part of life's journey.

What piece of advice you would like to give to your child or any young person that you wish someone would've given you?

Honestly, my mom gave me so much. My life was filled with consistent positive words of affirmations, and I am so grateful for that. She was especially kind and loving, and taught me how to be a free thinker and independent. Also, at a young age I was able to grasp the concept of balancing time and money, and that has its benefits because the balance is where I have been able to find joy. I do believe a positive approach can make all the difference, when we shift the way we think about things, it is then that we can create what we want our lives.

What would you say your most notable accomplishment has been?

Notable accomplishment- Understanding my sense of self. Knowing who I am and what I want. Not being driven by others, but really looking at my desires, dreams, goals and aspirations and making them happen. I also feel accomplished in my ability to love, I know that is the most important thing in life, LOVE, and I don't take it for granted. I am so humbled by that feeling.

Do you have a favorite quote, by you or someone else?: 
When I was in my 20's I painted a quote on my front porch that served as a mantra. I still feel the truth in this statement:

Be all that you can be, when you look back in life you'll regret the things you didn't do more that the one's you did. I don't live with regret, but I do try my best and live life to the fullest, as a true experientialist would!


A Celebration of the Strength, Wisdom and Beauty of Women over 40 - Limited spots available



THE 40 OVER 40 PROJECT - Feat. Maisha Winn


Exquisite Maternity Photography in Sacramento, CA